Tea leaves are very useful not only for drinking but also for applying on hair. Its use improves hair growth and also reduces hair fall. Let us tell you that it is mixed with many oils and applied to the hair. You can also try this home remedy. It can be applied in two ways. Let us tell you how to use it.

Benefits of tea leaves

Tea leaves are good for hair because they contain antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties which help in protecting hair from many problems. This is a very good home remedy for those whose hair is dry and rough. Therefore you should also try it.

Make a pack of tea leaves and use it

If your hair has started falling excessively or split ends are visible, then you can make a pack of tea leaves and apply it to your hair. It helps prevent hair fall and increases growth. To make tea leaf paste, you have to mix two spoons of tea leaf powder with 1 spoon of aloe vera. After this, a little water has to be mixed in it. Then apply this paste on your hair for 30 minutes. After this, hair has to be cleaned with shampoo. Apply this once a week. With this, your hair growth will improve in a few months.

Use tea leaf water

Tea leaf water is very good for hair. This is an excellent conditioner. By applying this, hair becomes soft and looks shiny. To make tea leaf water, take 2 cups of water in a vessel and add two tea bags to it. Now boil it well, until the colour of the tea comes. Then cool it and wash the hair with it. This will also make your hair look shiny.

By using tea leaves in both these ways, you will keep your hair healthy and beautiful. If you have any kind of allergy, take expert advice before using it.

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