The meaning of Surya Namaskar is... To offer or salute the sun. By doing this, all the problems of the body can be removed, but if it is done in the right way. By starting the day with Surya Namaskar, both your body and mind remain healthy. Experts believe that after doing Surya Namaskar daily for 5-10 minutes, you will not even need to do any asana.

It is believed that after doing Surya Namaskar for 5-10 minutes daily, you will not even need to do any asana. While doing Surya Namaskar, due to the direct effect of the sun's rays on the body, many of your diseases also go away. That’s why we all should do Surya Namaskar daily, but why let’s knows.

Glowing skin

By doing Surya Namaskar daily, your blood circulation gets a boost, which brings back the glow of your skin and face. It is also said to help prevent wrinkles and early ageing. If you want the effect of age to be less visible on the face, then Surya Namaskar should be done regularly.

Better digestive system

This asana helps in running the digestive system smoothly. Also, it works to increase the flow of blood in the digestive system. This also improves the functioning of the intestines. The forward pose helps in increasing the abdominal space from the inside by specifically stretching it. If you have gas or constipation problems then do this yoga regularly.

Good for mental health

If you want to improve your mental health, then do this asana regularly. You will see a difference not only in your physical form but also in your mental form. It can prove to help improve memory and the nervous system.

This asana also helps you to calm down and get rid of anxiety. It normalizes the activity of the endocrine glands and is especially beneficial for people with thyroid problems.

Helps in periods

Surya Namaskar also helps in better regulation of periods. Strengthens the abdominal muscles and also reduces period pain. For this, you just have to wake up a little early in the morning and do it comfortably. This will not only provide relief from pain but will also reduce the flow of blood.

Apart from these benefits, you get many types of benefits. You just have to do it the right way.

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