Here's a simple recipe to make aamras, a popular Indian mango dessert, at home using fresh and juicy mangoes during the summer:


2 to 3 ripe and juicy mangoes

1-2 tablespoons sugar (adjust to taste)

A pinch of cardamom powder (optional)

A few strands of saffron (optional)

Chilled milk or water (if needed to adjust consistency)

Ice cubes (optional)


Wash the mangoes thoroughly under running water. Pat them dry with a towel.

Using a sharp knife, remove the skin of the mangoes and cut them into small pieces. Discard the mango pits.

Place the mango pieces in a blender or mixer grinder.

Add sugar to the mango pieces. Adjust the quantity of sugar depending on the sweetness of the mangoes and your preference.

Optionally, add a pinch of cardamom powder and a few strands of saffron to enhance the flavor. This step is completely optional but adds a nice touch to the aamras.

Blend the mango pieces, sugar, cardamom powder, and saffron until you obtain a smooth puree. If the puree is too thick, you can add a little chilled milk or water to adjust the consistency.

Once the aamras is blended to a smooth texture, transfer it to a serving bowl.

If you prefer, you can add a few ice cubes to the aamras to make it even more refreshing.

Serve the aamras chilled and enjoy it as a dessert or a refreshing drink.

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