We live among many chemicals daily. Some of these have become an integral part of our lifestyle, while we have adopted some due to hobbies or luxury. Among them, a large percentage of cosmetics are. From soap to shampoo and lotion and from perfume to deo sticks, our body passes through many chemicals daily. It is obvious that if there are chemicals, you will also give chemical reactions. The use of deodorant also comes under this. Whether it is summer or rain, sweat, or a humid environment, the deodorant works to give freshness to the mind. At the same time, it can also keep the bad smell of sweat away. The difficulty is that the wrongly use or more use of Dio can also create many problems. Therefore, it is important to be vigilant about its use.

Whether it is a bright summer season or a humid day of rain, the brand of aromatic dio on the body also makes the mind cheerful. It is important to know here that deodorant works to control the smell by increasing the acidity of the skin. Especially on the armpits. But it does not control sweat. Deodrent is a type of cosmetic. Therefore, these are made from chemicals. Perfumes are used in them to prevent the smell of sweat. Along with this, they also have alcohol. This is the reason that when you apply it on the skin, the skin can also be dry and colorless.

Allergies and Dio:
Allergies can be triggered many times due to dio. It can also cause respiratory symptoms along with rashes, rash, redness, itching, burning sensation, or swelling on the skin. It is usually a type of contact dermatitis. This can be caused by aluminum, alcohol, artificial aroma, parabens such as preservatives, color, or other chemicals present in the dio.

Take care of these things:
-The first thing is your skin sensitivity. If your skin is sensitive, then choose the dio very cautiously. If possible, consult an expert.
-You have to remember that the sweating on the body is not smelly. These are bacteria on your skin that cause this smell. So if you are troubled by body ore, then first know the reason for this. Do not use a lot of dio instead of understanding the reason. You may have a problem with you that needs the right treatment.

-So Dio is always applied directly to the skin. In such a situation, if you feel irritation, itching, dryness, etc. on the skin after applying the dio, then stop applying it immediately.
Natural deodorants are also available today. These are mostly made using natural means such as essential oils, baking soda, cornstarch, etc. Their use can be more secure. If these symptoms of allergies emerge from them, do not use Dio.
-The smell of sweat can be controlled to a great extent by wearing clean clothing Cotton, keeping the body clean, keeping the body clean, removing the body in addition to the body, and bringing a little change in the food.
-Rempit detox, aloe vera, coconut oil, tea tree oil, appsum salt, cold compress, etc. can also control the problem of smell.
-If there is no relief from normal measures and symptoms of allergies, then see a doctor immediately.

(PC: Pixabay)