Summer said that sweating and constant tingling can cause various problems such as wetness of limbs, itching due to sweat drying on the skin, smell of sweat, rashes. There is no alternative to this when the sun is shining on your head.

It all grows too much before it rains. It's almost a month before the rain starts to fall completely. Washing the sweaty area with water helps to get rid of sweat. But you can't have a constant bath. Women usually get these rashes due to sweating in the armpits, lower part of the breasts, in the middle of the thighs (Summer Care Tips). Once the rash starts to appear, there are problems like fine rashes and itching. Often, these rashes increase the risk of fungal infections of the skin. Often these rashes grow so large that there is itching and then it is time to go to the doctor. But if the right measures are taken at the beginning of the rashes, they will not increase. It can be treated with some home remedies instead of going to the doctor immediately. Now let's see what are the home remedies to get rid of rashes ...

1. Aloe vera

Aloe vera has anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, remove the aloe vera leaves and apply it on the area where rashes and itching are occurring. This helps to cool the burning area. Aloe vera was applied to the affected area. It was left as it was for half to half an hour and after drying it was washed with cold water. Doing this two to three times a day is definitely beneficial.

2. Coconut oil

We all know that coconut oil is very good for medicine and beauty. The properties of coconut oil help in reducing itching, swelling, acne and inflammation of the skin. Gently apply coconut oil on the affected area. This will help reduce the problem of rashes. If the skin is on fire, apply cotton oil. Also, after applying this oil, it must be absorbed into the skin, so do not wash it off immediately. Doing this once a day will definitely make a difference in a week.

3. Care about clothes

We often wear tight clothing, but this can lead to increased sweating or rashes. So make sure the bra, underwear is loose enough. Wear permanent cotton clothes during summer days. So sweat will be absorbed in the clothes and you will not suffer from rashes.

4. Other concerns

Do not wear clothes on wet body, keep sweating as sweat stays there can cause rashes on body. Use bra liner, sweat pads to help absorb sweat. Take a bath two to three times a day and apply the powder on the armpits, under the breasts, on the thighs. Avoid itching where it is itchy, apply a cream like oil, powder, kailas jeevan, nectar ointment instead. So the rashes will not increase. Consult a doctor immediately if you feel fungal infection.