Alcohol Effect: A study report published in the Journal of Psychology of Addictive Behaviors found that children whose parents drink alcohol are more prone to food addiction.

Latest Study on Alcoholic Person: Drinking alcohol is injurious to health, it causes many problems to the drinker, all these things are generally known to most people. But do you know that it not only affects the drinkers but also their children? You might be surprised to know this, but it is true. A study report recently published in the Journal of Psychology of Addictive Behaviors found that children whose parents drink alcohol have symptoms of food addiction. More likely to be seen.

Get used to these things

According to the study report, under food addiction, these children have more cravings for food like pizza, chocolate, and fries. These children become accustomed to the high concentration of refined carbohydrates and fats present in them. ANI reported that 1 in 5 children are affected by this serious addiction. Researchers from the University of Michigan were focusing more on two things during the study. The first is whether the parental drinking habit is a significant risk factor, as well as the extent to which it can lead to addiction to processed foods. Lindsie Hoover, head of the study team, said, "People who have a family history of heavy drinking are more likely to be addicted to processed food. According to the study, those who struggle with food addiction include cannabis, alcohol, cigarettes, and alcohol." Apart from becoming addicted to tobacco use, there is also a higher risk of having personal problems.

Intervention is necessary to control

However, the effects of drinking too much alcohol are not limited to overeating. In today's time, more processed food also harms the body and gives rise to many diseases. In many cases it also causes death. This study suggests that interventions are necessary to reduce excessive drinking, drug use, and overeating.