The risk of many brain related diseases is seen increasing globally. Apart from disturbances in lifestyle and diet, many types of environmental factors are also considered responsible for this. The brain is the mastermind of the entire body, hence any problem in it can affect the overall health.

There can be many types of diseases occurring in the brain, brain tumor and dementia-Alzheimer's problem are considered serious problems. Many types of risk factors can increase the risk of brain diseases.

What can be the reasons for increasing brain problems? Researchers have shared detailed information about this in the study published in Nature Communications Journal. Health experts said that brain problems not only increase with age, but some environmental factors can also increase the risk of brain-related diseases. The main factors considered responsible for this are diabetes, alcohol consumption and increasing levels of pollution.

The risk of dementia is increasing
Researchers said, till a few decades ago, the risk of dementia was seen in people above 60 years of age, although with time, people above 50 years of age are also being found to be its victims. In dementia, apart from weakening of thinking and memory power, personality and mood also start changing.

Brain-related disorders are more common in people who are at risk of diabetes, consume alcohol or live in polluted areas.

15 factors found responsible for brain disorders
Researchers conducted the study to understand the increasing risk of dementia around the world and its factors. In this, 15 major factors are known which not only cause damage to the brain but also increase the risk of neurological disorders.

Researchers said that if lifestyle changes are made, it can help in reducing the risk of brain-related disorders. The risk factors which have been found responsible for brain problems include blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, weight problems, alcohol and smoking, depressive mood, inflammation, pollution, hearing problems, sleep disorders, lack of physical activity. Has gone.

Diabetes problem also increases the risk
Apart from this, the researchers said that people who have diabetes may also have a higher risk of developing brain problems, especially Alzheimer's disease and dementia. Studies have found that increased sugar levels start damaging the part of the brain (hippocampus) which is considered essential for memory.

Sometimes, excessive secretion of a hormone called amylin from the pancreas can also adversely affect neurons, increasing the risk of brain-related disorders.

It is necessary to improve lifestyle
Researchers say that it is important to improve lifestyle to keep the brain healthy and prevent diseases like dementia. For this, it is most important that you reduce the consumption of alcohol. Alcohol increases the risk of neurodegeneration. Drinking alcohol also reduces the amount of fluid that transmits signals between different parts of the brain. Apart from staying away from alcohol consumption, avoiding pollutants, keeping blood sugar and blood pressure under control is also very important to maintain brain health.

(PC: Pixabay)