Sound sleep Benefits: Good sleep is necessary for good health. But how many hours should a good sleep be? Doctors have different views on this. Some doctors say that one must sleep for 7 to 8 hours at night. At the same time, some doctors say that in 7 to 8 hours one to two hours should be like this. where you are in deep sleep. Then the sleep cycle is considered complete. But if there is good sleep, then there is a need to take some precautions. For example, you go to bed at night to sleep, but before that what are you eating and drinking? This is very important. There are some food items if eaten or drunk at night, make us sleepy. It is very important to know about these foods.

Avoid eating more dry fruits
Eating more dry fruits, beans, broccoli, and cauliflower should be avoided while sleeping at night. These can cause stomach cramps. This causes pressure in the abdomen. Consume high-fiber fruits and vegetables. This gives good sleep.

Stop drinking
A deteriorating lifestyle and increasing stress, and workload have increased the trend of alcohol among people. People go to sleep after indiscriminately drinking alcohol. But after a time it becomes an addiction and one cannot sleep without alcohol. Should stop drinking alcohol.

Eat less spicy food
If you want to get a good sleep at night, then you should reduce the use of spices. Eating more spices at night increases the body temperature. Due to stomach upset, sleep is also not good.

Don't even eat tomatoes
Oxalic acid is found in tomatoes. On eating a tomato at night, it works to make acid. This causes sour belching. The problem of acidity increases. Avoid eating tomatoes at night.

Stay away from ice cream
Ice cream increases the level of cortisol hormone in the body. This hormone brings excitement to the body. This does not bring sleep. Should not eat ice cream at night. This can cause sleep problems.

Don't even get tea and coffee
Caffeine is found in tea and coffee. It works to increase blood pressure. That's why people remain energetic. They don't get sleep. Consumption of caffeinated substances should be avoided at night.

Don't even eat pizza
Pizza has also become a part of today's diet. But don't eat it at night. It contains a mixture of butter and tomato. Both works to disturb sleep. Due to this, sleep disappears at night.