Some days it rains and some days it is sunny. In this changing season, the risk of viral infection is increasing rapidly. People are very much troubled by sore throats in this changing season. Let us tell you that during the rainy season, our body's immune system becomes weak, due to which we come under the grip of viral infection. Along with this, due to atmospheric changes, impure and infected water, cold and humidity, etc., the possibility of sore throat increases during the rainy season.

Many home remedies can help soothe a sore throat and reduce discomfort, but today we will give you information about some Ayurvedic remedies, with the help of which you can get instant relief from a sore throat. Let's know.

To gargle
Mix salt in lukewarm water and gargle. This will help in reducing swelling and soreness in the throat. If you get lukewarm, gargle 2 times a day.

Triphala powder
Triphala Churna can help in reducing the swelling and soreness of the throat. You can take it with warm water before going to bed at night.

Honey and Ginger
Since there is no loss in quality honey, you can drink it after mixing it with hot water. The flavor of ginger also helps in relieving sore throat.

Almond oil
Massaging a little warm almond oil on the throat with light hands can reduce sore throat.

Tulsi tea
Tea made from basil leaves can help in reducing sore throat.

Turmeric milk
Turmeric milk can help soothe the inflammation and soreness of the throat.

Licorice bark
Grind licorice bark and mix its powder in warm water and gargle it to get relief from sore throat.

(PC: Freepik)