image credit: verywellhealth

To stay healthy, it is necessary to keep the cleanliness of the body along with a healthy diet. Personal hygiene plays an important role in keeping us healthy. There are some people who take two baths a day for their hygiene. Bathing is very important to stay healthy.

image credit: aarp

You may have to face problems due to daily bathing with soap. Due to excessive use of soap, the natural oil of the skin can be lost, which can lead to dryness and roughness. This problem is more common in people with dry or sensitive skin.

image credit: onehundreddollarsamonth

Harmful and harsh chemicals, colors, and fragrances are used in some soaps, which can irritate the skin. Due to this, sometimes there may be redness, itching, or rash on the skin. People with sensitive skin may be more susceptible to these problems.