Do you also use soap to clean your face? Do you know how harmful soap is to the skin? Dermatologists also recommend that face wash and cleanser should be used instead of soap for cleaning the skin. Do you know why it is called so?

Why should not soap be used?

Soap is made with the help of many chemicals. These include caustic soda, artificial fragrance, and sodium lauryl sulfate. All these elements are very harmful to the skin.

We all know that the skin on the face is more delicate than the skin on other parts of the body. That's why it gets influenced easily. That's why it is forbidden to use soap on the skin.

PH level can deteriorate

While soap is alkaline, our skin is acidic. When the pH level of the skin deteriorates, it can lead to infection. It is very important to maintain the pH level of the skin.

If this level deteriorates, the skin gets damaged. This happens due to the use of soap on the skin.

Dryness problem

Have you noticed that whenever you wash your face with soap, your skin becomes tight and white? This happens because the soap contains a surfactant, which is harmful to the skin. Using soap on the skin makes the skin dry. Sometimes this dryness increases so much that due to this the skin starts peeling. The use of soap strips away the natural moisture of the skin. This is the reason why it is forbidden to use soap on the skin.

May have wrinkles

If you want that your skin does not look old, then for this you should avoid using soap on the face. Soap dries the skin and dryness can also become a problem of wrinkles and fine lines.

Therefore, instead of soap for young skin, use faces wash or mild cleanser on the skin.

Natural oil gets stripped

To maintain the natural oil of the skin, you should know which products are not right for your skin. Using soap on the skin reduces the natural oil of the skin. Lack of oil means dryness, pimples etc. can be a problem.

The skin condition may worsen

If you are suffering from any skin-related problem and in this case you will use soap to clean the face, then this problem can increase. Especially if you have acne and eczema, you should stay away from soap.

Clean your face with these things

  • To clean the face, you can use a face wash made from natural ingredients.
  • You can also clean the skin with a paste made of gram flour and curd. Dead skin will be removed by using gram flour.
  • The face can also be cleaned with a mild cleanser.

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