There should be a change in skin care during the monsoon season. The skin feels sticky during this season due to the humidity in the atmosphere. Dust easily accumulates on the sticky skin, due to which the face becomes dirty quickly. Due to dirt, acne starts on the skin.

You should know what things should be used on the face in this season. Otherwise, your skin may be harmed. Let us know which things should be avoided on the face during monsoon.

Say no to oily products

Skin care products should change according to the season. Also, whatever the season, the right skin care is essential. Do not use oily products on the face during monsoon season. Oily products can cause acne on the skin. That's why you should use water and mineral-based things to get spotless skin.

Heavy moisturizer

It is necessary to moisturize the skin, but do not use heavy and greasy moisturizers in monsoon. This will make your skin stickier. We all know that dust and dirt easily accumulate on sticky skin, due to which the skin can get damaged. The rash starts on the skin. Lightweight and non-comedogenic moisturizers are beneficial in this season.

Harsh Exfoliator

Scrubbing the skin is necessary, but if you use a harsh exfoliator on the skin, it will strip the skin of its natural oil. Due to this, the skin will become dry. That's why you should read the information written on the bottle before buying the scrub so that you get to know which ingredients and chemicals have been used to make the scrub.

Don't wear heavy makeup

Avoid heavy makeup during monsoon season. Due to the humidity in the weather, not only will the make-up start melting easily, but due to this the skin gets damaged. Heavy makeup tends to clog pores, which can lead to breakouts. So do light makeup. Don't forget to remove your makeup. Make sure to clean the skin, especially before sleeping at night. This will keep the skin healthy.

Keep these things in mind

  • Do not wash your face with hot water during the monsoon season. Instead, wash your face with lukewarm or cold water. Hot water also strips away the natural oils from the skin, which can lead to dryness.
  • Do not share personal things in this season. These include things like towels, makeup brushes and combs. The exchange of these things can spread bacteria and infection.
  • Do not touch your face again and again. Dirty hands can cause breakouts on the face. So keep your hands clean. Also, use tissue and a handkerchief on the face.
  • Keep in mind that whatever the weather, you should use sunscreen. The harmful rays of the sun work to damage the skin. That's why you should use sunscreen before leaving the house.

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