We all want to get better and glowing skin. Most of us adopt many different methods to take care of our skin. But what effect these methods have on the skin should also be taken into consideration. Many times we do not take care of our skin type and unknowingly adopt such a skincare routine, which harms the skin instead of benefiting it.

For example, if your skin is dry, then it is necessary that you first know your skin and its needs. Take care of him based on this. Many times we apply some such things on dry skin, which increases its dryness even more. So, today in this article, we are telling you about some such things, which women with dry skin should not do-

Using chemical-based cleansers

We all know that using soap is not good for dry skin. But apart from this, chemical-based cleansers are also not good for dry skin. These chemicals may clean your skin. But after this, your skin may look even drier and more irritated. Therefore, if your skin is dry, then always use a mild cleanser. By doing this, the natural oil of your skin should not end.

Regularly using alcohol-based products

When it comes to skincare, alcohol is the worst enemy of dry skin. Even though alcohol has a great effect on your skin. But one of its negative effects is that it makes your skin dry. Therefore, if your skin is dry, then keep alcohol-based products away from your skincare routine. Keep alpha-hydroxy acid products out of your list of beauty products.

Use a razor

This is because you do not have to suffer pain in it. However, if you have dry skin, you should avoid using a razor to remove unwanted hair. This is because shaving removes all the essential oils from your skin. Because of this, your skin becomes even drier. However, if you want to use a razor, do not forget to moisturize your skin well afterwards.

Skipping the sunscreen

As such, using sunscreen is considered necessary for every skin type. But if it is a matter of dry skin, then it becomes even more important. A good sunscreen provides better coverage to your skin so that the harmful sun rays do not make your skin even more dry and dull. But if you skip the sunscreen, then dryness, itchiness, redness and irritation of the skin can increase manifold.

Image Credit – freepik


Your skin and body are as different as you are. We endeavour to bring you correct, safe and expert-verified information through our articles and social media handles, but still, you must consult your doctor before trying any home remedy, hack or fitness tip.