Acne on the face is a common problem; some tips can help you a lot in avoiding it. Many times acne increases a lot before going to a wedding party. Regarding this, Dr Kiran MD, a skin expert dermatologist from Columbia University, shared a video on her Instagram account. In this video, she has told us about 5 such foods, by not eating them we can avoid acne.

Avoid eating dairy products

Dairy products have many benefits for health, but if you have acne problems, then you should avoid consuming them before going to a wedding party. Excessive consumption of dairy products can increase your acne further. On the other hand, even if you are consuming, try to consume the minimum amount of dairy products.

Avoid eating out

Many different things are used to make many things available in the market like burgers. Because of this, eating these things can increase your pimple problem.

Protein powder

If you want to avoid the problem of acne, then also avoid eating protein powder. Especially a few hours before going to the event.


To avoid the problem of acne, do not include cinnamon in your diet.

Drink lots of water

Apart from all these tips, you have to drink a lot of water. Coconut water can also make your skin glow.

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