Babool bark for skin: Today's bad lifestyle and increasing pollution are also increasing skin problems. Bad skin is enough to spoil your personality. In such a situation, people are forced to buy expensive skin care products from the market. Sometimes these chemical best products also cause side effects on some sensitive skin. But do you know that these problems can also be cured with the help of some home remedies? Let us tell you that in Ayurveda, there is mention of many such trees and plants, which are considered very beneficial for health. One of these is 'Acacia'. The bark of this tree is effective in removing many problems related to the skin. Today's modern science has also given attention to its qualities. If you are also suffering from skin-related problems, then acacia bark can be used. Let's know from BHU's Ayurvedacharya Dr. Ajay Yadav the method of its use.

Big benefits of acacia bark
Effective in acne: In summer, most people start complaining about pimples and acne, etc. Due to this, sometimes the skin becomes very bad. According to Ayurveda, acne and pimples, etc. can be treated by using acacia bark. Regular use of Babool i.e. Keekar bark reduces the risk of pimples etc. to a great extent.

Prevent skin infection: Acacia bark is considered very effective in preventing skin infection. Explain that antibacterial properties are found in acacia bark, which reduces the risk of infection. If there is any kind of cut or scratch on the skin, then acacia bark can be used. By doing this, the risk of infection is avoided.

Improve swelling and redness: Acacia bark is rich in antibacterial as well as anti-inflammatory properties. By using this, swelling, irritation, and redness of the skin can be removed. Tell that, acacia bark is considered very useful even in the problem of allergies, etc.

Method of use: Using acacia bark for skin is quite easy. If you want to apply it on a wound, make a paste by grinding it well and adding some water, then apply it on the wound. Apart from this, if you want to use acacia bark in the treatment of pimples, then soak the bark in water overnight and wash your face with it in the morning. By doing this, the problem of skin and pimples is cured.

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