There are numerous skin problems, one of which is having large pores. Usually, this happens to those who have oily skin. Many other problems arise when the pores are enlarged. Such as looseness of the skin and acne problems.

You would not want to have any of these problems and to top it all; you would never want to look prematurely old again. Therefore, if you also have large pores, then follow this one recipe told by beauty expert Poonam Chugh regularly on your face.

Pore shrink recipe

Poonam ji says, 'When you wake up in the morning, oil would be visible in your T-zone area. This oil is not bad for your skin and you massage your face with this oil for 5 minutes. If you do this regularly, then the size of your skin pores will start getting smaller.

How to do massage?

You have to do anti-clockwise and clockwise facial massage. By doing this regularly for 5 minutes in the morning, you will see good results very soon. This will not only reduce the size of the pores of your skin but also improve the circulation of blood in your skin. This will tighten your skin and the skin tone will also improve.

Keep this in mind

Do not do this if you have pimples on your face. Many times when the water leaking from the pimples is applied to other parts of the skin, the pimples increase even more. That's why you should do this when acne is cured.

What would be the benefits?

  • The looseness in your skin will reduce.
  • This will also reduce the problem of age spots on the skin.
  • Your skin will glow and the glow will also increase.
  • This process will relax your facial muscles.


Your skin and body are as different as you are. We endeavour to bring you correct, safe and expert-verified information through our articles and social media handles, but still, you must consult your doctor before trying any home remedy, hack or fitness tip.