Every girl likes to look beautiful. But this beauty of yours is spoiled by the wrinkles on the forehead although they appear with increasing age. But nowadays due to the products available in the market or the changing lifestyle, it starts appearing on the skin before time. To reduce it, some use expensive products and some do expensive treatments.

But now you do not need it, for this, you can also try domestic methods. DrAanchal, who is a dermatologist, often shares videos related to her beauty on her Instagram account. This time he told that it can be reduced by using the things present in the house.

Use coconut oil to remove forehead wrinkles

Anti-ageing properties are found in coconut oil. In such a situation, wrinkles will be reduced by their regular use. If you sleep by applying this on your forehead at night, then the wrinkles of your skin will reduce.

Use coconut oil

  • For this, first, take coconut oil in a small bowl.
  • Then apply it on the forehead with the help of your fingers.
  • Now massage it well on the forehead and leave it on the forehead for the whole night.

Tips: Repeat this process every night; it will reduce forehead wrinkles soon.

Use castor oil for forehead wrinkles

Castor oil is very beneficial for the skin. Ricinoleic acid is found in it. This leads to skin conditioning. It has antioxidant properties which help in removing wrinkles on the forehead.

Use castor oil

  • For this, first, take castor oil in a bowl.
  • Then mix 2-3 drops of olive oil in it.
  • Now mix it and apply it on your forehead.
  • Massage it well.

Tips: By applying it overnight, the wrinkles on your forehead will go away soon.

Remove forehead wrinkles with aloe vera

By using aloe vera gel, you will get rid of the problem of forehead wrinkles. This is because its use causes skin tightening. Use aloe vera gel

  • For this, take aloe vera gel in a bowl.
  • Now mix rose water in it and mix it.
  • Then apply this mixture to your forehead.
  • If you want, you can also apply it on the face.
  • Now leave this mixture on the forehead for 10-15 minutes.
  • Then clean it with lukewarm water.

Tips: Try this 2-3 times a week. With this, the wrinkles on your forehead will go away in a short time.

Note- If wrinkles have started falling on your forehead before time, then you can try these home remedies. Before this, do their patch test and do not forget to consult your skin expert.

Image credit- Freepik