Tips To Remove Pimples: It is common to have pimples on the face, but this problem acts as a stain on the face. There is no single reason for pimples, but there can be many. Like the formation of keratin on the skin etc. Along with this, our food and drink also help in increasing pimples, as the consumption of some food helps in giving birth to pimples. In such a situation, let us know what are those things which increase pimples.

Keep your distance from these things

Sugary Foods

If you are having pimples, then you should avoid eating such things in which the amount of sugar is high. Sugar affects hormones as well as inflammation. Due to this, the problem of acne can be avoided. Sugary foods include things made of sugar, chocolates, cold drinks, etc.

Dairy Products

Dairy products i.e. things made from milk can also promote pimples. Therefore, if you are suffering from the problem of acne and you are consuming dairy products, then stop consuming them from today itself, by doing this you can avoid the problem of acne.

High Glycemic Index Food

In this way means high glycemic index food should be avoided. High glycemic index food like potatoes, watermelon, cake, and cookies all these things increase the IGF1 hormone. Which causes pimples.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on home remedies and general information. Must take medical advice before adopting it. Kalamtimes does not confirm it.)

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