To improve heart health and reduce the risk of heart attack, we are advised to control cholesterol, it is important to have awareness to reduce LDL, only then we will be able to save ourselves from unwanted problems, but people To reduce cholesterol, its level reduces significantly which can cause harm.

Cholesterol is essential for the body
We always see cholesterol as the villain of health, but good cholesterol is very beneficial for our health, it helps in the proper functioning of the body which includes the production of hormones and the formation of cell membranes. Therefore we cannot deny its importance.

What will happen if cholesterol decreases?
When cholesterol levels become too low, it can lead to several health problems, such as impaired brain function, muscle weakness, mood disorders, depression, and even an increased risk of certain diseases, including cancer. goes. It is important to strike the right balance in cholesterol levels, because both extremes, whether too high or too low, are not right. You always have to take care that this level is in the optimum range so that there is no problem in overall health.

How to know your cholesterol level?
To know the cholesterol level, you will have to get a Lipid Profile Test done. In this, a blood sample is taken and tested. The level of good cholesterol should not be less than 120 mg per deciliter. Most health experts believe that the range of 160 to 190 mg per deciliter is right for health. Whereas the level of bad cholesterol i.e. LDL should be 80 to 90 mg per deciliter.

(PC: Freepik)