Consuming juice is considered very good for health. Often people extract juice from fruits or vegetables and consume it. Since they are packed with many nutrients, vitamins and antioxidants, consuming them has a good effect on health. Not only this, but when you consume this juice without filtering, you also get fibre and you feel full for a long time. There is no doubt that everyone should make fruits and vegetables a part of their diet.

But how you consume it is also very important. Some people make juice by mixing fruits and vegetables and drinking it. However, doing so is not considered correct in many ways. When you make juice by mixing fruits and vegetables, it can cause some harm to you. So today in this article, RituPuri, Dietitian of ESIC Hospital, Central Government Hospital, is telling you about some such reasons, after knowing which you will not drink fruit and vegetable juice together -

Digestion can be disturbed

Generally, it is believed that juice is quite easy to digest. But when you mix fruits and vegetables and extract their juice, it can disturb your digestion system. This happens because fruit juices are high in natural sugar and can cause a spike in blood sugar levels. At the same time, when they are mixed with vegetable juice, this effect can increase further. When blood sugar starts spiking, you may complain of bloating, gas diarrhea etc.

Nutritional imbalance

Both fruits and vegetables indeed contain many types of nutrients which are very important for the body. They contain many vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients. However, when these two are taken in combination, it can cause an imbalance in nutrients. For example, some fruits are high in potassium, while some vegetables may have high levels of oxalate or nitrate, which can cause problems for you.

Possibility of an allergic reaction

Many times, mixing fruits and vegetable juices increases the chances of having an allergic reaction. Especially, if you are allergic to a particular type of fruit or vegetable and you include it in juice, you may have an allergic reaction. Due to this, you may get itching, rashes redness etc. in the body.

Weight may increase

Consuming fruit and vegetable juices together may make you gain weight. This is because fruit juices contain high calories due to their natural sugar. Often people think that vegetables are low calorie and hence their combination can balance the calorie count, whereas in reality, this is not the case. Since fruit juice lacks the fibre present in whole fruits, it does not make you feel full and messes up your calorie count.

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