Doing these exercises 2-3 times a day can provide great relief from shoulder pain. However, if you have severe pain or any other problem, then definitely consult a doctor. Shoulder pain is a common problem that can be caused by many reasons, such as poor posture, excessive exercise, increasing age, lifting heavy weights, or working continuously on the desktop.

This pain may sound trivial but it is quite painful. And can also cause problems in doing daily tasks. The only relief is that in most cases, shoulder pain can be relieved in a very short time with some simple exercises and stretching. Some examples of this can be known in this article-

Shoulder roll
To do this, stand straight and spread the legs as wide as the shoulders. Then place both your hands on the shoulders. Now slowly rotate your shoulders and hands in a circular motion forward. You have to rotate this 10 times forward, then 10 times backward. While doing this exercise, keep your speed slow and focus on breathing. In a few minutes, you will start feeling very relaxed.

Arm Cross-Chest Stretch

To do this exercise, sit straight on a chair. The spine should be straight. Now hold your left hand near the elbow with the right hand. Then slowly pull your left hand towards your chest. While doing this, you should feel a slight stretch in your left chest. Stay in this position for 20 to 30 seconds, then repeat from the other side. By doing this you will start getting relief from pain.

Neck Release
To do this, stand straight and lower your shoulders. Tilt your right ear towards the right shoulder. Now move your left hand from above your head and slowly tilt the head to the right. A slight stretch should be felt. Stay in this position for 20 to 30 seconds, then repeat from the other side. Focus on breathing while doing this stretch, you will start feeling relaxed in no time.

Pendulum Stretch

To do this, stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Lean forward and rest one hand on a table or chair for support. Relax the other hand completely and keep it straight beside your body. Now move your body comfortably back and forth and in a circular motion. Repeat this movement for 30 seconds, then repeat on the other side.

(PC: Freepik)