SThe winter season is generally quite pleasant and relaxing. But in this season the mood often deteriorates. Gets angry at everything. Everything around seems bad. Sometimes I don't even feel like working. After all, let us know from experts why this happens. Dr.Kamal Kishore Verma MBBS, MD, DNB (Psychiatry) is giving information about this.

What is Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)?

This is a sign of seasonal affective disorder. We know this as winter depression. That is, as soon as the winter season arrives, people's mood starts changing. However, this doesn't need to happen with everyone. There is a feeling of laziness, sadness, lack of energy and hopelessness. Such people find themselves isolated in social functions or office gatherings. Let us tell you that these problems are mostly seen in women.

Why does winter depression happen?

According to experts, there is a shortage of sunlight in winter. Whereas sunlight often works to improve the mood. This reduces fatigue and negative thoughts do not come. When we do not come in contact with sunlight, we see a negative effect on our mood. The internal clock of the body is badly affected by lack of sunlight. Without enough sunlight, your serotonin levels can decrease and when serotonin is low, depression and SAD occur.

How to protect

  • sleep and wake up at the right time
  • sit in the sun
  • do the exercise
  • Include meditation in your routine.
  • avoid being in dark places
  • Spend time with friends and family outside the home
  • do whatever you want

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