The problem of hair fall has become very common. It is heard from the mouth of every other person that their hair is falling. However, to overcome this problem, there are anti-hair fall shampoos available in the market. These shampoos do not show effect every time.

You can try home remedies for hair fall. Amla is very beneficial for hair. That's why it has been used for years to reduce the beauty and problems of hair. Today in this article we will tell you the recipe for amla for hair fall. So definitely read this article till the end.

Why does hair fall?

If you are suffering from some disease, in this condition also your hair may fall.

We use so many products in the hair, due to which the hair starts getting damaged. Hair fall also occurs due to the side effects of hair care products.

Bad food also affects the hair. This can also be a reason for hair loss. That's why it is said that special care should be taken of your diet.

Ingredients required

1 tsp amla powder

1 teaspoon lemon juice

Steps to prepare

You will get amla powder in the market. If you want, you can dry Amla in the sun and make its powder, but it will take a lot of time.

Mix 1 teaspoon of lemon juice with 1 teaspoon of amla powder.

Now mix it.

Take a ready-home recipe for hair fall.

Steps to use

Apply this paste on the scalp and roots with the help of your finger.

Now leave this paste for about 30 hours to get absorbed in the hair.

Wash your hair with a mild shampoo.

How often to use

Apply this paste of amla 1-2 times a week. You will see the effect within a month.

Benefits of applying gooseberry to hair

You can also use this paste to condition the scalp. A healthy scalp means fewer hair problems.

This paste will also be useful for people who are struggling with the problem of white hair.

You can use this paste even if you have dandruff. Amla is a good home remedy for dandruff.

If your hair does not grow then you can try this recipe of amla and lemon. Using this, your hair will start growing longer.

How to stop hair fall?

Hair should not be tied tightly. Leave the bun, braid or ponytail loose. Tight rubber bands cause excessive hair breakage.

After washing the hair should not be rubbed or jerked with a towel. Wipe lightly instead.

  • Use fewer hair-straightening machines and curlers. Its hair starts falling after getting damaged.
  • It is also necessary to comb the hair. If you do not comb your hair from time to time, then it will easily break and fall.
  • Apply oil to hair. Applying oil makes hair strong and healthy, due to which hair does not fall.

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