New Year 2022 is waiting for all of you with open arms. Everyone wants to forget the mistakes of the previous year and move forward and make the new year better, that's why people make New Year's resolutions and follow it. (Relationship Tips)

Often people set goals for their careers, fitness and business.

But if you want to make your relationship with your spouse stronger and more romantic, then definitely give them these 5 promises in the new year.

Don't lie to each other: - On New Year's Day you can promise your spouse that you will never lie to each other, because lying weakens the foundation of the relationship and sometimes leads to break up.

Help each other: - It often happens that women are busy with household chores all day and husbands do not help them in their work. In such a situation, this time on New Year's Day, you should promise your spouse that you will help them in their work and you will stand behind them when they need you. At the same time, the wife should promise the husband that you will help him in his work.

Spend a whole day with your spouse: - In a busy life it often happens that the partners cannot give each other time. Sometimes because of work, sometimes because of family. In that case, you should set aside one day a week for your spouse. On this day, take them for a walk, watch a movie or spend quality time with them. Doing so will keep your relationship sweet.

Don't forget important dates: - There are many important dates in the life of a couple. Like the day they met, the day they proposed to each other, the day they got engaged and so on. In that case, promise your spouse that he or she will remember all the important dates this year and not forget them.

Sleep time will be special: - Because of the busy schedule during the day, the partners sleep tired at night and cannot even talk to each other. In such a situation, in the new year you should promise your spouse that you will definitely talk to them lovingly for 10-15 minutes before going to bed, so that their loneliness will go away and both of them can share their day.