A relationship depends on a lot of effort and trust from both ends. The people involved in the relationship need to understand a lot about each other, have the patience to go through all the ups and downs together, and embrace each other's flaws to build a perfect relationship. The foundation of any relationship is built on trust, loyalty, honesty, and a lot of understanding about each other. However, a relationship can become toxic over time. When the people involved do not understand the boundaries that must be respected in a safe and healthy relationship. We need to put in a lot of effort to make a relationship safe, secure, and healthy for the people involved.

According to the psychotherapist, we all have wounds that we bring into our relationships that must be managed, understood, and communicated. It is very important to understand what a secure relationship looks like and how it functions. This helps you and your partner to know in which direction to work towards the relationship and to know what are the soft points in your relationship.

One true sign of a secure relationship includes finding a good supporter within the relationship. There should be space to speak our hearts out to the person we are with without fear of how we feel.

A secure relationship consists of two people who work as teammates and support each other at all times. It involves understanding each other's perspectives, dreams, and goals.

Unlike unhealthy relationships, a secure relationship is not unstable. It feels stable in it and provides emotional and physical security.

Conflict in a relationship is a healthy sign as it involves understanding each other better. Being able to handle conflicts and difficult conversations together without letting them put a dent in your unity is a sign of security in a relationship.

It is very important to have space to be yourself in a relationship. Finding your friends and hobbies is also important.

Closeness, vulnerability, and a sense of intimacy are valued and nurtured in the relationship.