In India, most of the parents want their son to get married as soon as possible so that grandchildren can come to the house. It is very important to prepare your son for marriage, but it is even more important to see how prepared the parents themselves are for it because it has often been seen that the daughter and daughter-in-law are mature, but the elders of the house Because of this, there is often domestic discord between husband and wife and the situation reaches the point of divorce. Let us know which habits the parents should improve after the marriage of their son.

Parents should not behave like this with their sons after marriage
1. To taunt

After marriage, a man gets involved in his married life, which is also natural, but because of this, he can give less time to his parents. This often makes the parents feel jealous, in such a situation they start taunting their son, which spreads negativity in the relationship.

2. Not taking care of privacy
No matter how close the relationship between you and your son is, his privacy should be taken care of after marriage. You should not ask unnecessary questions that may violate her privacy, and you should not enter her room without permission. Especially in the initial years of marriage, let the son and daughter-in-law go out alone and spend quality time.

3. Interrupting on everything
Parents are always worried about their children, it does no matter how old their child is, hence it is natural to be worried and stressed all the time, but after marriage, this thing has to be taken care of. You should not scold her or impose restrictions on everything, these things may seem bad to your wife, which can fill her mind with negativity.

4. Abuse
The child gets scolded by the parents for any small or big mistake, they even abuse their beloved at times, but after marriage, you will have to treat your child like a responsible person. Remember that if you respect your son, your daughter-in-law will also give full respect to her husband. Therefore, do not abuse your son in front of your daughter-in-law, as this can spoil the relationship.

(PC: Freepik)