Frequent ear infection is a danger sign: If you have frequent ear pain or frequent infection, then not one but many reasons can be responsible behind it. Sometimes this problem can also cause deafness or damage to the eardrum.
Ear pain is never normal, especially when this problem starts happening again and again. There are many reasons for pain in the ear and sometimes infection also causes pain. If heaviness in the ear and the problem of hearing starts increasing, then it should be immediately shown to the doctor without delay. Remember, many times there is a bacterial infection in the ear in addition to virus or fungal infection and if the infection is not eradicated from the root, then it happens again and again and the ear starts getting damaged from inside.
Causes of ear infection
Not cleaning the ears from time to time.
Using too many earbuds.
Not treating the problem of cold and cold properly.
Overuse of earphones.
Persistent persistence of dandruff on the head.
Retaining moisture due to water entering the ear while swimming or bathing.
Due to a bacterial infection of the throat or nose.
Symptoms of ear infection
Ear infection occurs in the middle ear, so it is not visible from outside, but it can be gauged by heaviness, intermittent sharp pain or tubing. Due to repeated infections, hearing loss starts from the ear or there is trouble due to exposure to air etc. in the ear.
Symptoms in young children
Children repeatedly move their hands to the ear and keep crying.
Have trouble sleeping or cry suddenly.
child being very irritable
Loss of appetite, high fever.
Fluid coming out of the ear.Remedies to get rid of ear infection
First of all, whenever there is a problem in the ear, do not ignore it and show it to the doctor. If there is severe pain then you can take painkillers and after that see a doctor. Some home remedies are also effective in providing immediate relief and removing the infection.
Neem leaves juice- Use neem leaves to remove ear infection. Neem leaves are anti-bacterial and anti-viral which prevent infection.
Root of bael tree - Root of bael tree is useful in ear pain caused by infection. For this, immerse the root of the bael tree in neem oil and burn it. Put the oil that falls from it in the ear when it burns. By doing this, you will also get benefit in ear infection and pain due to infection.Apple Vinegar- Apple cider vinegar is helpful in removing the problem of earache. This vinegar has the property of killing bacteria. Mix an equal amount of apple cider vinegar in lukewarm water and put one to two tablespoons of it in the ear. You will get rest.
Use of hair dryer - If there is a fungal infection due to moisture in the ear, then take the hair dryer near the ear and let its hot air go inside the ear. This will reduce the moisture in the ear and the infection will be cured soon. Remember the hot air should be bearable.