We all have faced the problem of flatulence or bloating at one time or the other after eating food. When you feel bloating, it makes you feel very uncomfortable. In such a situation, we want to feel relaxed as soon as possible and hence adopt various measures.

However, we never pay attention to why this problem of bloating occurs only after eating food. When you know the reasons behind bloating after meals, you will not have to face this problem again and again. So, today in this article, RituPuri, Dietitian of ESIC Hospital, Central Government Hospital, is telling you what could be the reasons behind bloating after eating.


The main reason behind bloating after eating can be overeating. Many times, when we are very hungry or when the food is very tasty, we eat more than required in one go. Due to this, the size of the stomach extends. In this situation, the body has to work hard to digest that extra food. Due to this, you may complain of gas or bloating.

Excess gas formation

Many times it also happens that more gas is produced while eating food. There are many foods which create more gas. For example, if you include cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli, pulses, beans carbonated drinks etc. in your diet, it causes more gas to form in the digestive tract. In such a situation, you feel uncomfortable and bloating also occurs.

Wolfing down

Some people are always in a hurry and hence they eat food very quickly. If you do not chew the food properly and just swallow it, then along with swallowing the food, you also swallow air. It gets filled in your digestive system, due to which you have to face the problem of bloating.

Food intolerance

Many times people have intolerance to a particular food item. In such a situation, when that person eats that food, he may have the problem of bloating. However, it is not necessary that every person has a problem with food intolerance or that every person has a problem with the same type of food. It is different for every person. Sometimes eating any food item at a particular time can also cause the problem of bloating. For example, if a person drinks milk on an empty stomach, he may experience bloating. But if the same person drinks milk in the evening, when his stomach is not empty, then he may not have the problem of bloating.

Eating too much fatty food

If you are eating a very high-fat meal then it can also cause bloating. They slow down your digestion, due to which you feel uncomfortable and bloating in the stomach. Therefore, you should try to avoid consuming too much fatty or fried food.

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