There would hardly be any such debate in which my temper was high and then he got buried under the tears. At that moment, I do not understand why I am crying. Just in anger, Ganga-Jamuna starts flowing from the eyes. This is such an emotion, which I might not even be able to explain to anyone. "Hey, you were angry, then why did you suddenly start crying?" I don't have any answer to this question.

What did you say... does this happen to you too? Yes, a lot of people can relate to this problem. When tears start coming from the eyes amid the intense anger, it is confusing as well as more painful. We do not understand our bodies at that time. This is the reason why everyone avoids debate. He tries to control his anger.

Why does this happen? When we asked this question to well-known senior clinical psychologist Dr. Bhawna Barmi, she said, "When you get angry, your body produces many hormones. Due to this, our face turns red, we start sweating. And then we start fumbling as well. It is a kind of response. Crying calms down the anger and in a way it dilutes the anger." Can we control our emotions? Let's find out the answer from the psychologist.

Why do we cry when we are angry?

You cry while fighting with your brother or you get upset over something said by your friend. If we try to understand this emotion, there is a simple reason why we cry when we feel hurt.

Many times we cannot even say anything and just start crying in anger. This is because we get surrounded by situations that are troubling to us. Dr. BhavnaBarmi tells us some such factors, due to which we start crying in anger.

Social Expectations: Dr. Barmi explains that the norms set by society dictate how we should express our feelings. Sometimes this pressure leads to anger and we start crying. Crying in anger may go against those traditional notions, but it shows the authentic reaction and response of a person.

Emotional Intensity: As you know, anger is a powerful emotion. We cannot control ourselves in anger. Your physical response to strong emotions is what causes tears.

Catharsis: Crying when angry helps to calm emotions. This is a part of emotional release, which is followed by a reduction in stress and frustration. Our body gives this reaction automatically in strong anger.

Communication: Crying in anger is a kind of communication that we do with the people around us. It brings to the fore our problem. Crying when angry can be an involuntary expression, indicating emotional distress.

Is it normal to cry in anger?

Yes, of course. Crying in anger is not only a normal response but can also prove to be good for you in many ways. Crying releases chemicals like oxytocin and prolactin in our bodies. These can lower your heartbeat and calm your mind.

How can we control this emotion?

As normal as it is to react to your true feelings when provoked, it is not appropriate to cry amid an argument or anger. DrBarmi shares psychological strategies that can help you control it-

Self-awareness is important

The most important thing is to first identify your triggers. Strong emotions are provoked by situations, people and ideas that arise around us. Because of this we get angry and cry. Try to identify those triggers of yours and stay away from them. Identify situations, thoughts or people that always occur as well as notice your feelings. Try to recognize the early signs of when you're about to get angry and when an emotional outburst occurs.

Take a deep breath and relax

Take a deep breath whenever you find yourself in a situation that is making you angry. Slow and deep breaths can help control emotions and reduce physical arousal.

Focus on muscle relaxation

Tense muscles can also make you irritable, so learn techniques to relax them. Do exercises that can help calm emotional reactions.

Our body is amazing and amazing are our emotions. Plain and simple, crying when angry is very common, but if you cry a lot, you should see a doctor.

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