Many times men like a girl, whom they decide to marry. But it is important to keep in mind that marriage proposal is an important and sensitive topic, so it is very important to approach it in the right way, otherwise things can go wrong and you may also have to face embarrassment. Let us know what things boys have to keep in mind before talking to a girl about marriage.

1. Self review

First of all, try to know whether you are ready for marriage or not. For this, do a self-review and keep your intentions clear. Make sure that you are not taking this decision just because of social pressure or sudden emotion.

2. Understand the girl

Try to know the likes, dislikes, habits, and attitudes of the girl, this will help you understand what kind of thinking she has and whether she is right to spend life with you. Or is she ready for marriage now?

3. Talk openly

Before approaching marriage, talk to the girl openly. Try to know what she thinks about her life partner and what are her expectations. Be respectful and sensitive during the conversation. Respect her opinion and feelings. Avoid putting any kind of pressure.

4. Choose the right time and place

Choose the right time to talk about marriage. This can happen when both of you are in a personal and comfortable environment. Avoid approaching for marriage in a tense or public place.

5. Honesty

Be completely honest about your intentions. Tell her why you like her and why you want to spend your life with her. Express your thoughts and feelings clearly, so that there is no misunderstanding.

6. Take help from friends or family
If you do not want to directly approach a girl for marriage, then for this you can take help from the boy's close friends or family members, and talk to them with a positive approach.

7. Accept the decision
Whatever decision the girl takes after the marriage proposal, accept it with an open heart. If she asks for time to think, then give her time and be patient. If she refuses, then respect her emotions.

(PC: Freepik)