By ChatGPT After launching GPT 4o a day earlier, Google introduced its new AI tool Project Astra at its event Google I/O 2024. Like ChatGPT 4o, Project Astra will answer users' questions in real-time. Google also showed a demo video of Astra during the event. Astra can also talk to users in real-time.

Astra can recognize anything in real-time

Astra can be accessed through both the mobile app and the web. Google showed a video during the event in which it was visible that the phone's camera was on and Astra was being asked where the speaker was. Astra answers this. Then a line is drawn on the speaker's Twitter and asked what it is, Astra says that it is the speaker's Twitter. Google has said that the Astra tool sees the world exactly as we see it.

You will forget Astra will not forget

If you create a video with the help of Astra, this tool will remember everything seen in that video. Astra also remembers where something is kept. Astra can let you know if you forget something. Astra talks to you like a friend or relative. Regarding Astra, Google has said that it is very fast and answers users' questions in real-time. You can also get an idea of Astra's capability by watching this video.

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