There are many types of bacteria present in our bodies. Generally, bacteria are considered bad for health. However, not all bacteria are bad. Probiotics are friendly bacteria found in fermented foods like curd etc. The main function of these probiotics is to keep your gut healthy. When your gut is healthy, it has a positive effect on your overall body.

Generally, people believe that probiotics reduce bad bacteria in the body and increase the number of good bacteria. Hence, people insist on consuming them. However, very few people are aware that probiotics are effective in reducing your weight as well. So, today in this article, Dietician RituPuri of ESIC Hospital, Central Government Hospital is telling you how probiotics can help reduce weight-

Aids in fibre breakdown

To lose weight, it is necessary that your body has enough nutrients and they are absorbed in a better way. In this case, probiotics can help you. Probiotics help keep your gut healthy, and these friendly bacteria in your gut produce important nutrients like vitamin K and B vitamins. Not only this, but they also help in breaking down the fibre that your body cannot digest. Due to this, it helps in reducing weight.

Affect appetite

Probiotics may help release appetite-suppressing hormones like peptide-1 (GLP-1) and peptide YY (PYY). Due to this, you do not feel hungry more than necessary and in this way you take controlled calories only. In addition, the increased levels of these hormones can also help you burn calories and fat. In this way, if a probiotic is consumed regularly, then gradually your body starts coming in shape.

Metabolism is better

This is also a benefit of consuming probiotics. Due to probiotics, your gut is healthy, and your metabolism is also boosted. Due to better metabolism, what you eat changes into energy instead of turning into fat. In this way, you also get help in weight loss.

Raising levels of fat-regulating proteins

Consuming probiotics can increase the level of protein angiopoietin. Due to this the fat storage in the body is reduced. In such a situation, weight loss starts gradually. Apart from affecting protein levels, they also reduce inflammation, which can lead to obesity.

Increase probiotics in a diet like this

To increase probiotics in your diet, consume yoghurt, kefir and other fermented foods regularly. Apart from this, probiotic drinks are also available in the market these days. If you want, you can also take probiotic supplements after consulting a dietician.

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