A woman's body goes through different changes with every stage of age and reaches menopause, at this time the period cycle stops. Menopause is an important stage of the female biological clock, where every woman has to reach at a certain time. But these days many such cases are coming to light where women are facing premature menopause.

Generally, menopause in women occurs between the ages of 40 to 55 years, when with the cessation of periods, the woman loses her ability to conceive and reproduce. Nowadays, many women are facing menopause much before this deadline. We talked to renowned health expert DrSohiniSengupta on this topic and learned from her about premature menopause, its side effects and its prevention. We are sharing this information with you here through this article.

What is premature or early menopause?

DrSohiniSengupta says that although there is no fixed time limit for premature menopause if a woman starts having difficulty in getting periods even before reaching the age of 40, then it is a condition of early menopause. Whereas stopping periods before the age of 45 will be called premature menopause in medical terms.

According to DrSohiniSengupta, about 12 percent of women experience menopause before the age of 45. However, if we consider premature menopause caused by surgery and cancer treatment, this percentage may be higher. Where normal ovarian function slows down at an early age, this causes the ovaries to fail to produce normal levels of the estrogen hormone and premature menopause occurs. Maintaining proper estrogen levels is important for a woman's reproductive health. Its decline can lead to irregular menstruation and fertility problems, leading to premature menopause.

Symptoms of premature menopause

Now let's talk about how a woman will know that she has become a victim of premature menopause. Many changes in the body indicate premature menopause. Its main symptom is irregularity in menstruation. For example, if earlier your period cycle was going smoothly but now it has become irregular. If periods start coming late or are coming intermittently, then these can be early signs of premature menopause. Apart from this, vaginal dryness, urine infection, difficulty in urination or burning sensation can also be symptoms of premature menopause.

Causes of premature menopause

The causes of premature menopause can range from genetic to hormonal problems. Genetic problems including fragile X syndrome, Turner syndrome and galactosemia can cause premature menopause. All these problems are genetic and are transmitted from one generation to another. For example, if your mother, grandmother or other women in the family have faced premature menopause, then this can be a red alert for you that you too may have to face premature menopause.

Induced menopause

Nowadays, in many cases, induced menopause also causes premature menopause, where due to some serious problem, the ovary or uterus is removed. Apart from this, early menopause can also occur due to radiotherapy and chemotherapy for problems like cancer.

Smoking can cause premature menopause

Excessive smoking can also cause premature menopause.

Side effects of premature menopause

The biggest impact of premature menopause is on mental health. In such a situation, some emotional changes are seen in the condition of premature menopause, such as irritability or change in mood without any reason, difficulty in concentrating, trouble sleeping, and problems like forgetfulness.

Precautions for Women Facing Early Menopause

To avoid the side effects of premature menopause, DrSohiniSengupta advises the consumption of essential nutritional elements along with proper eating habits and a systematic lifestyle. Such as calcium and vitamin D supplements help reduce the increased risk of osteoporosis associated with menopause. Apart from this, in case of premature menopause, regular health screening is necessary, so that appropriate treatment can be taken at the right time to correct the hormonal imbalance.

Awareness among women is also necessary to face premature menopause. This is so that conditions like premature menopause can be understood in time and appropriate treatment can be taken.

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