For women, those 5 days of the month give them a very different experience. Along with physical pain, some women also suffer from skin-related problems. Especially the glow disappears from someone's skin, while pimples appear on someone's face. Obviously, along with physical discomfort, skin-related problems increase mental stress. We often start wondering why the face becomes so sad when periods arrive. Especially the pimples on our faces bother us the most.

After all, why do we get pimples on our faces during periods? To know about this, we talked to skin expert and dermatologist Dr. Lipi. She says, "Before the start of periods, estrogen and progesterone hormones drop in the body. This causes your sebaceous glands to secrete more sebum. This is a type of oil, which brings lubrication to the skin. If the skin becomes too smooth, the skin pores become clogged and this can lead to acne. In addition, hormones also increase the production of bacteria that cause inflammation and acne in the skin. This also leads to excessive chances of getting acne increases."

Where can pimples occur?

There is maximum fear of getting pimples in the T-zone area. You may have pimples on your forehead, nose and chin, because this is where oil production occurs the most. The grease on the forehead can be wiped off, but the grease on the nose and chin clogs the skin pores and increases the risk of pimples. If you have pimples coming out then do not pop or pick them. By doing this you may get more pimples. Apart from this, pimples also appear on the cheeks and neck during periods. The most important thing is that in these pimples there is more swelling and more pain. If you get acne during periods, it may take time to heal. Therefore do not tease them in any way. If you do this, acne scars may also appear on the skin.

How to get relief from the problem?

If you get pimples during your periods, it is difficult to stop them, but you can prevent the situation from becoming serious. For this, Doctor Lipi gives some easy solutions-

  • The most important thing is cleanliness. Don't skip your skincare routine during periods. You should take extra care of your skin during periods because during this time your skin becomes more sensitive.
  • If your pimples are coming out then you should not use too many cosmetic products. This can increase inflammation in acne and make it more painful.
  • If there is excessive swelling in acne then you should apply it with warm water for 10 to 15 minutes. With this, if there is pus inside the pimples, it will come out and the swelling will also reduce.
  • If you are experiencing excessive pain and swelling in acne, then you should also apply cold water to the pimple for 5 to 10 minutes.
  • Apart from this, boil neem leaves in water filter this water and cool it. Clean the face with this water 2 to 3 times a day. You will also get relief from this.

Don't make these mistakes

  • If pimples are appearing on your face during periods, then you should avoid consuming oily food. Along with this, many women also feel that drinking more water during periods leads to more urination and more bleeding. But it is not so, if you drink less water then it will have a bad effect on your skin.
  • During this period, avoid applying makeup and if there are pimples on the face, then you should avoid facial or any other type of skin treatment. This can increase acne even more.
  • If pimples have appeared on your face and you are feeling itching on them, then consult a skin expert and use an anti-inching cream. Itching on pimples can cause a lot of harm to you.

Note- If you are having a lot of acne during periods and the condition is serious then you should talk to a skin expert.