Whenever an attempt is made to feed vegetables to children, they shy away from it. Whereas if they are fed pasta, they like to eat it with great gusto. In such a situation, today we have brought you a recipe for making pasta rich in vegetables which children will eat with great enthusiasm and will feel like eating again and again. The taste of this delicious pasta is such that the stomach will be filled but not the mind. Let us know its recipe.

Necessary ingredients
- 2 cups wheat pasta
- 1 finely chopped tomato
- 1 finely chopped onion
- 1 finely chopped capsicum
- 1 teaspoon ginger-garlic paste
- Half cup tomato puree
- 1/2 cup cream
- 2 tbsp butter
Salt as per taste
- half teaspoon oregano
- Half a teaspoon chili flakes

To make Veg Loaded Pasta, first, take a pan and add water to it. Now add pasta and a little salt to it. Now add 4-5 drops of oil and let the pasta boil. Pasta does not have to be cooked, it has to be cooked so that it does not remain raw.

After this, place a pan on gas and add butter in it. Now add ginger-garlic paste into it. Add finely chopped onion, tomato and capsicum to it. Carrots, sweet corn, and broccoli can also be added to it.

Add tomato puree to it and mix. Add salt to it. Now add chili flakes and oregano and mix. Add cream to it and mix well. Many people do not eat chili flakes and oregano, so you can also skip it if you want. You must try this dish once. Everyone in the house will like this.