After the declaration of 10th and 12th board exam results, children are ready to embark on a new journey in life. This journey is from school to college life. After 12th, children decide their career and choose the subject accordingly. Keeping the subject and career in mind, the college is selected and the admission process takes place. This time, if your child is also at the age of leaving school and going to college, then as a parent you are bound to be worried about his career and future.

There is a lot of difference between school life and college life. The child who lives in school under the supervision of teachers and parents, now not only grows in age but also moves into an environment where he starts becoming almost independent. From here the child's thoughts begin to develop. Instead of the school bus, now the child is on his way to college by driving his bike, scooter, or car.

Along with studies, he is involved in many other activities. All this is a new experience for him, which he can take either positively or negatively. In such a situation, parents should tell some important things before sending their child to college, so that the child does not get lost in college life, but along with achieving his goal, he can also start training to live in society and become self-reliant.

In this article, some advice and suggestions are being given for children who are preparing to go to college for the first time, which every parent will have to teach and explain to their children.

Difference between school and college
Going from school to college is an important period for children. This is the time when the child is in a place completely different from the rules and disciplined life, where he makes his own rules and lives them. College gives children the freedom they long for. In such a situation, so that the child does not start adopting this freedom in a wrong way, explain to him in advance the difference between college and school and also tell him about its seriousness regarding career.

Don't just focus on education
Even though studies are important and become more serious in college than in school, it is not right to ignore other things by focusing solely on education. Along with studies, encourage the child to spend time with good friends, talk to professors and experience the canteen.

Value of money
Before going to college, children should also understand the financial system. Every college-going child should know how to spend pocket money wisely. Teach them to appreciate money. Tell them that they have to cover their college expenses with the fixed pocket money. Teach how much and how to spend money on studies, canteen, and friends.

Teach cooking
Coming to college life means the child becoming self-reliant. In such a situation, the child should be able to do the things he needs to live his life alone without the help of his parents. Like heating water, cooking food, etc. The level of education also increases after coming to college. Many times children go away from home to live in hostels or PGs. In such a situation, the child should know how to cook food for himself when he is hungry.