High BP: High BP, i.e. hypertension, has become a very common health problem nowadays, due to which everyone from the elderly to the youth is troubled. This is a condition in which a person's blood pressure level becomes higher than normal. When a person's blood pressure level is high, it becomes a lesson of trouble for the heart, brain and other organs.

At a healthy level, the blood pressure inside the body is 120/80 mm Hg, but when the blood pressure is more than this level, then we know it as high blood pressure. High blood pressure is largely responsible for heart attacks. To control it, people take the help of medicines, but you can also control blood pressure by changing your diet. Today we are giving you information about a special remedy suggested by experts, by following which BP can be kept under control. Let us know about this from dietician LavneetBatra.

Onion can control high BP

According to experts, eating onion can be beneficial in high BP. Yes, till now you might be using onion to enhance the taste of food, but if you are a BP patient then you can consume it for benefits also. Onion has many properties including antioxidants, flavonoids and vitamin C which help in controlling BP. According to experts, the flavonoids present in it prevent blood clots and cholesterol from sticking to the walls of the arteries. Onion also contains potassium which helps expand the walls of blood vessels. Due to this, blood circulation occurs properly.

How to consume onion

High BP patients get benefits only by consuming raw onion. When you cook onion on heat, all those nutrients are lost from it. In such a situation, you can prepare onion salad and raita and eat it. However, you do not have to depend only on onion to control high BP. Also, take the medicine given to you by your doctor.

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