Our wrong lifestyle and eating habits help a lot in gaining weight. Losing extra weight is not that easy. We may set our routine every day but are never able to work on it. Due to office and household chores, we do not even get enough time to exercise regularly. Sometimes because eating and drinking also get messed up, then the fat starts increasing.

Today we are here to help you. Nothing much, just a slight change in food can correct your diet. This will also make a difference to your weight. Include oats flour in your diet instead of wheat bread. Oats are gluten-free and thus keep your gut health healthy and can play a big role in weight loss. Let us know in detail here the benefits of oats and how to include them in the diet.

What is oats flour?

Oat flour is prepared by grinding oats. It is a gluten-free product, which is a good and healthy source of soluble fibre. You can also add other types of flour to it, which can increase its nutrient value even more. Its texture is coarse and it is completely white. Its flour has a taste and flavour similar to that of oats.

Benefits of eating oats flour-

Oat flour has gained popularity for its cholesterol-lowering and anti-diabetic effects. There is no difference in the nutritional value of oatmeal and flour, as the method of preparation is the same, so it cannot be said which is more nutritious. The product made of germ, bran and endosperm is very rich as a whole grain.

Regulates blood pressure

Oat flour is rich in several important antioxidants including aventhramides. It can lower blood pressure levels by increasing the production of nitric oxide. According to research by the National Center for Biotechnology Information, it can help lower systolic and diastolic blood pressure in patients with mild or borderline hypertension. This is the reason why oats flour can be a healthy food option for high blood pressure patients.

Improves Digestive Health

The dietary fibre present in oats is easy to digest. It softens your stool and thus improves bowel movement. In addition, it improves overall gut health. The breakdown and fermentation of beta-glucan oats flour fibre can increase the range of gut microbiota. Thus, it reduces digestive issues like diarrhoea, constipation and irritable bowel syndrome.

How does it help in weight loss?

Due to dietary fibre, it can be considered a nutritious diet for weight loss. The combination of fibre and carbohydrates makes it a good choice for metabolism. Having a good metabolism triggers your CCK hormone, which signals your brain that you are full. It absorbs fat and regulates bowel movement. By including this flour in your recipes, you can meet your daily fibre limit. Oat flour helps in your weight loss journey by curbing cravings.

How to eat oats flour?

Oat flour can be included in your diet in many ways. The first way is to replace your wheat flour with it. Apart from this, use its flour only for paratha. Use oats flour to make pakoras or other snacks. Whereas, instead of gram flour cheela, make cheela of oats flour. Gravo can be thickened by this. Muffins and pancakes can be made

Include oats, oatmeal and oat flour in your diet and improve your health. Make it a part of your plate slowly and start your weight loss journey healthily.

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