Most people adopt several methods to reduce the problem of hair fall. Use a variety of chemical products. But the matter remains there.


  • Most people adopt several methods to reduce the problem of hair fall.
  • People who are bald for a long time can get black hair by following these habits
  • jogging for 30 minutes is beneficial

New Delhi:

Who doesn't like long, dark and shiny hair? Pollution, dust, wrong eating habits, bad lifestyle, excessive use of chemical products, stress, etc. cause hair fall. All these factors can lead to problems like hair fall, dandruff, split ends, and unhealthy hair. Most people adopt several methods to reduce the problem of hair fall. Use a variety of chemical products. But the matter remains there. Even if you want to increase hair growth or get rid of hair fall, then these few habits have to be made an important part of your lifestyle. People who have been bald for a long time can get thick and dark hair by following these habits.

jogging -

If someone wakes up in the morning and goes for jogging, then his blood circulation is better. Which can cause hair growth. According to some experts, jogging for 30 minutes is beneficial to increase blood circulation in the head.

High-intensity interval training is done by combining cardio and strength training. Do these exercises continuously for 30 seconds. You can do this exercise regularly. Cardio exercise is very beneficial for promoting hair growth, as it increases blood circulation in the body as well as in the head.

Massage also increases blood circulation on the scalp. This can help a lot in hair growth. Coconut oil is most beneficial.

- The special thing is that for hair growth, things like a protein-rich diet, vitamin-mineral intake, a good lifestyle, low stress, and not using chemical products also have to be taken care of. Not only exercise but also good eating habits and improving habits is the reason for hair growth. All these habits promote balance hair growth and promote new hair growth on the scalp.