If seen, a large number of people prefer to travel by train. The train has comfortable seats, and fan-AC facilities, apart from catering arrangements, there is also a toilet, etc. Just if you have to travel by train, then you have to buy tickets for it and now people book train tickets online more than offline. But there are many occasions when people suddenly need a train ticket to travel somewhere. Railways allow you to book Tatkal train tickets a day before the journey, but most people get Tatkal train tickets by the time they book. In such a situation, if such a problem comes with you too, then by keeping some things in mind while booking the ticket, you too can get a confirmed Tatkal train ticket. So let's know about this...

Tatkal train ticket timetable:-
You can book Tatkal train tickets a day before the journey
You can book Tatkal tickets at 10 am for the AC class and 11 am for non AC class.

Pay through e-wallet
Generally, it is seen that people take time to make payments (it takes time to fill in bank details and OTP) and by then the Tatkal train ticket gets over. Therefore, if you wish, you can use an e-wallet while booking Tatkal train tickets. This enables instant payment and can help you get confirmed Tatkal train tickets.

Don't miss this feature
Know one thing well Tatkal tickets are fewer and more people book them. In such a situation, the faster one books the ticket, the more likely it is to get a confirmed Tatkal train ticket. In such a situation, if you wish, you can book tickets using the Masterlist feature.

Actually, under this Masterlist feature, you can fill in the information of all the traveling passengers even before booking the Tatkal ticket. After this, when you book the ticket, you will not have to fill in the details of the passengers one by one as it will be pre-filled by the master list. By doing this you will save a lot of time and you can get confirmed Tatkal train tickets.

(PC: iStock)