Importance of Sleep For New Moms: World Breastfeeding Week has ended in the past. During this, all kinds of changes in the new mother's body and many things related to breastfeeding were focused on. But one thing which is also very important to talk about is adequate sleep. On which your health depends to a great extent. While taking care of the newborn baby, the mother is not able to get enough sleep for months. Which is not good for his health. According to a news published in 'The Hindu' quoting 'Journal BMC Psychology', women may have to face many problems due to lack of sleep. Let's know about this.

New parents can't sleep for six years: New mothers don't have to face problems only during delivery. Rather one has to struggle for sleep and that too for many years. Although during this time the sleep of the newly made father is also affected but less than that of women. Let us tell you that in the year 2019, in a study published in the journal 'Sleep', it was found that new parents face a lack of sleep for about six years due to child care.

Women face more lack of sleep: By the way, after the arrival of the baby, due to its care, the sleep of both the parents is affected. But according to the study, women face the condition of losing sleep more than men. With the problem of lack of sleep, women have to take care of the baby. Because of this, their health is affected.

Many problems come in front of the new mother: Suparna S., who has become the mother of twins. Thantri told 'The Hindu that when they had twins in April last, I could hardly get three hours of sleep during the day. But now somehow I sleep for almost four hours. According to him, when the children stay awake and play at night, then I have to stay awake with them and when the children sleep during the day, the necessary household chores have to be done. Due to this it is difficult to get complete sleep.

Lack of sleep can cause health problems: In a study published in 'BMC Psychology' last January, it was found that mothers who have excessive fatigue, and lack of sleep continuously, may be at risk of depression. The director of Nithra Sleep Institute, Chennai, Dr. N. According to Ramakrishnan, due to lack of sleep, fatigue, anxiety, and irritability can also increase in new mothers, due to which their attention and concentration are also disturbed.

At least seven hours of sleep is necessary: The need for sleep is different for people of every age. According to the Sleep Foundation, a normal adult needs at least seven hours of sleep every night. Apart from this, babies, children, and adolescents need more sleep than this so that their growth and development can be done properly.
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