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Whenever you are sick, your body first gives you some signals. You can tell by his face that he is sick. There are some diseases whose symptoms are visible on the face. In such a situation, you should not ignore this symptom. Symptoms visible on the face can harm not only your beauty but also your health. Let us know which symptoms on the face should not be ignored-

image credit: haribhumi

It is common to have dry lips or skin in winter, but if you also have this problem in summer, do not ignore it. Because sometimes dry skin and dry lips also become the cause of diabetes. So don't ignore it.

Sometimes females have hair on their faces or jaw. In such a situation, if you ignore it then there may be a problem. This is because such problems arise due to hormonal imbalances in the body. It can also be due to ovarian syndrome.

image credit: haribhumi

Do not ignore problems like redness or swelling under the eyes. This may cause you trouble. Swelling or dark circles under the eyes can be the reason for your ill health. Therefore, if you also have any such problem, then you should immediately contact your doctor.