Nails enhance the beauty of our hands. That's why nail paint is used to keep them beautiful. Not only this, beautiful designs are made on the nails. Have you got fake nails done? Nowadays its craze has increased a lot, but do you know that all these things make your nails weak?

Nails should be healthy and strong. That's why you should take care of them too. Do you also complain that your nails break easily? There are many reasons for this. Today in this article we will tell you some tips for strong nails.

Pay attention to hand products

To keep nails strong, you should take special care of how you are using products for your hands. If you sanitize your hands, do not apply it to the nails.

Alcohol-based sanitisers tend to dry out your nails, which can easily break your nails. You should reduce the use of both nail paint and remover. These are harmful to nails.

Fling method

Do you know the way you file your nails can also cause problems? Maybe not, but it's true. Filing your nails by moving them back and forth can weaken your nails.

Instead, you should file nails in one direction. Also, you should be careful while filing the nails. Don't over file the edge of the nails. By doing this the nails can break quickly.

Keep these things in mind

Nail paint is used to make the nails look beautiful. Do you know how much it damages your nails? Nail paint contains chemicals, which make nails weak. So use nail paint as little as possible. Also, use nail acetone-free nail paint remover.

Do not get nail extensions done. This can damage your real nails. If you want to get beautiful and long nails then try home remedies.

  • Do you know that nails should also be moisturized? Like hands, our nails are also dry. That's why you should apply lotion or moisturizer on the nails. Nowadays cuticle oil is also available in the market.

Image Credit: freepik


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