It is considered very good to use cuticle oil to take care of nails. This is specifically done to moisturize and nourish the cuticles. Usually, cuticle oil is prepared with the help of oils like jojoba oil, almond oil, avocado oil and vitamin E oil.

Not only does it nourish your nails and cuticles, but it also helps in taking care of nail health. Also, it is considered very good for nail growth. Hence, it is recommended to everyone use cuticle oil on their nails. However, it is very important to take care of some small things while applying them to your nails. Know in this article-

Must do a patch test

Although cuticle oils are considered very good for nails, still it is right to do a patch test before using them. You apply it a little on the inside of your wrist or elbow. This will let you know about any allergic reactions. If there is no problem then you can apply it on your nails.

Must read the label

Cuticle oil benefits your nails and cuticles only when its quality is also good. Therefore, always read the label before using cuticle oil. Keep in mind that cuticle oil contains natural ingredients. Also, it should not contain harmful chemicals.

Pay attention to hygiene

Many times we apply cuticle oil and we feel irritation, itching or burning sensation. For this, we blame the oil, whereas behind it could also be your dirty hands or tools. So, when you apply cuticle oil on your nails, make sure that your nails and cuticles are clean. You use warm water and soap to clean it. Also, don't forget to clean the applicator or tools.

Avoid applying too much

Many times we use too much cuticle oil to moisturize our nails and cuticles while it is usually applied in small quantities. When you use oil too much, it makes your nails and the skin around it feel very oily. Not only this, it can also put that oil on other items from your clothes to hands that come in contact with you.

Store in the right place

When you are applying cuticle oil on your nails and cuticles, you would surely want to see its effect as soon as possible. Therefore, you should not only apply the oil properly but also consider storing it properly. To maintain the effectiveness of cuticle oil, you must avoid exposing it to direct sunlight. It should always be kept in a cool and dry place.

So now you also keep these things in mind while applying cuticle oil, which can help you take care of your nails and cuticles.

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