Does saffron make baby skin fair: Pregnancy is a very beautiful stage in a woman's life. During this, the mother has to take special care of her health and diet. For the development of the child growing in the womb, the mother consumes all kinds of fruits and vegetables. At the same time, some strange beliefs are also seen and heard during this time. Some women consume saffron to make the child fair. In fact, since ancient times, people have recommended drinking saffron milk to make a fair child, which is being followed till now. Now the question is whether drinking saffron milk gives birth to a fair child or is just a myth. Dr. Monika Chahar, Director, of Skin Decor, is answering this question. Let us know.

Does the use of saffron make the baby's complexion fair?

According to experts, there is no connection between the mother's eating saffron and the child becoming fair. Whether a child's complexion is fair or dark depends entirely on melanin and genes. If the level of melanin in the body is too high, the skin becomes dark, whereas a balanced amount of melanin helps in whitening the skin. There is no scientific evidence for the use of saffron and milk, although it has other benefits due to which people think that its consumption makes the child fair. According to experts, you should consult a doctor before trusting anything, because sometimes you consume something wrongly which can harm you.

What is the benefit of drinking saffron or saffron milk?

  • Due to hormonal imbalance during pregnancy, there is a problem of mood swings, due to which getting angry, excited, and crying immediately on anything, many such problems occur. In such a situation, it helps in controlling mood swings.
  • It acts like an antidepressant. Its consumption releases serotonin hormone which improves your mood.

  • The complaint of high blood pressure persists during pregnancy, in such a situation consumption of saffron helps in controlling blood pressure.
  • During pregnancy, women complain of digestive problems like acidity, indigestion and vomiting. Digestion slows down at this time. In such a situation, saffron increases metabolism.
  • Consuming saffron also helps in boosting immunity.

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