Mosquitoes' Favorite Blood: Sometimes people sitting in front of you seem more troubled than mosquitoes. Ever wondered why this happens? This happens because mosquitoes like more blood from a particular blood group. So let's know which blood group is more prone to dengue malaria and which is less.

No one can escape the sting of a mosquito, but some people are bitten more by mosquitoes. Mosquitoes like the smell of people who are bitten more by mosquitoes.

First of all, you should know that the mosquitoes that bite are female. Male mosquitoes do not bite. The terror of mosquitoes is less in very hot or very cold, but in monsoon, they are very active. This is the reason why the risk of serious diseases like malaria, chikungunya, and dengue is also high.

Attracted by the smell

Some people have such skin that mosquitoes start getting attracted to them. It is due to uric acid, lactic acid, and ammonia released from specific bacteria present in the body. Mosquitoes like their smell and this are the reason why mosquitoes bite them more.

Mosquitoes bite the O blood group the most and the A group the least

Japanese research has found that for people who have O blood, mosquitoes bite them more. Their blood attracts the mosquito towards itself. Whereas those with A (A) blood group are less bitten by mosquitoes. Mosquitoes usually bite people who have blood group B.

Mosquitoes also like carbon dioxide

The reason for the bite of a female mosquito is related to its reproduction and then laying eggs. Apart from this, mosquitoes also like the smell of carbon dioxide ie Co2. The female mosquito smells this smell even from a distance of about 150 feet.

Disclaimer: Our article is for providing information only. Always consult an expert for more details.