The weather is getting better...I would like to have a cup of tea...

I am feeling very would be fun if you get ginger tea...

Guests have come to the house... at least one cup of tea is prepared...

There is not just one but many such excuses for drinking tea in Indian homes. It is not possible to even count them. Tea is not just a drink in our homes but has become one of our habits. However, nowadays many healthy teas including green tea and blue tea are available in the market to stay healthy, but what other tea can replace the ginger-cardamom desi tea? Well, the discussion on whether this tea is healthy or not has always been going on. If you are fond of tea, then of course drink it but avoid some mistakes while drinking it so that it does not harm your health. Dietitian Radhika Goyal is giving information about this. Radhika is a certified dietitian and nutritionist.

Do not make these mistakes while drinking tea

  • Often people drink tea on an empty stomach in the morning. But bed tea can harm your health. This may cause stomach irritation and acidity.
  • Instead of drinking tea on an empty stomach, drink tea after eating something.
  • Many people take tea with breakfast, but let us tell you that if you drink tea with any food item, it can cause difficulty in the absorption of iron.
  • Do not drink tea immediately before or even after eating. The elements present in tea do not allow iron from food to reach the body, which can cause anaemia
  • Keep a gap of one hour between meals and tea.

  • Do not drink tea even immediately after eating cold food. Due to this, the gums can also become weak and cold and heat can also have a bad effect on health.
  • Do not drink tea 6-8 hours before sleeping. The caffeine present in it can make it difficult to sleep and due to this your sleep pattern can be disturbed.
  • Drinking too much tea can cause many problems including acidity, and poor digestion. Therefore, do not drink more than 1-2 cups of tea throughout the day.
  • Never drink tea in a plastic cup. This can make tea toxic.
  • Also, keep in mind the amount of sugar in tea. If you drink too much sweet tea, it may affect your sugar level.

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