What week is the highest risk of miscarriage: Being pregnant, and becoming a mother is a beautiful moment in any woman's life. But many times miscarriage i.e. abortion destroys this happiness. Termination of pregnancy before the 20th week is called miscarriage. This condition affects any woman mentally, physically and emotionally. According to experts, women have to face this in about 10-20 percent of pregnancies. There can be many reasons behind this, which can be avoided if attention is paid on time. Dr. Shaili Singh, Senior Consultant Obstetrics and Gynecology, Rosewalk Healthcare, is giving information in this regard.

What are the possible causes of early miscarriage?

  • Causes of miscarriage include several chromosomal abnormalities. Chromosomal problems include having too many or too few chromosomes in a fetus. Sometimes this can also be due to genetic conditions. Disturbances in the chromosomes prevent the fetus from developing properly, which can lead to miscarriage.
  • Hormonal imbalance in women's bodies is also the reason for this. Low progesterone levels also prevent the fetus from implanting properly in the uterus, which can lead to miscarriage.

  • Many times, fibroids in the uterus or improper shape of the uterus do not allow the pregnancy to develop properly.
  • Women who have diabetes, thyroid or any autoimmune health condition may also be at risk of miscarriage. Therefore, it is important to manage these conditions properly during pregnancy.
  • Sometimes some bacterial and viral infections do not allow the fetus to develop properly and cause miscarriage.
  • Even if the age of the woman is 35 years or more, miscarriage can occur. This is because older eggs have more chromosomal imbalances.
  • Some women are more likely to suffer miscarriage due to health conditions. In such a situation, miscarriage may occur again and again.
  • If you smoke or drink excessively during or even before pregnancy, the risk of miscarriage may increase. Because these things can harm the growing fetus.
  • If you are overweight before or during pregnancy, it can also increase the risk of miscarriage; hence it is advised to control your weight before planning pregnancy.
  • If you have problems like diabetes, PCOS, these can also cause miscarriage.

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