To remove the accumulated fat around the stomach, first of all, it is very important to know its causes. Most people want to reduce belly fat but do not follow the right method for this. Unless you understand the exact causes of belly fat, you will not be able to follow the right diet to remove it. The biggest reason for belly fat is insulin resistance. Insulin resistance can lead to fat accumulation around the abdomen, dark pigmentation on the neck and armpits, and skin tags.

To remove belly fat, it is necessary to increase insulin sensitivity first. For this, you have to change your diet. By including these micro-nutrients in your diet, you can increase insulin sensitivity and reduce belly fat. Dietician Manpreet is giving information about this.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is very important for improving insulin sensitivity. Often people think that vitamin D only makes bones strong but it is not so. It also provides other benefits to the body. Vitamin D reduces insulin resistance. It helps in regulating insulin. To complete the deficiency of Vitamin D in the body, take 10-15 minutes of sunlight every morning between 9-11 am.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 deficiency in the body can cause many problems. One of these is also insulin resistance. Vitamin B12 plays an important role in regulating blood sugar levels. To remove its deficiency, include milk, curd and cheese in the diet.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E improves insulin sensitivity by reducing stress and inflammation. When we are under stress, it also directly affects the insulin sensitivity in the body. To keep Vitamin E balanced in the body, you should eat sunflower seeds, almonds and peanuts.


Chromium regulates insulin action and enhances glucose metabolism. It affects insulin sensitivity even when there is a deficiency of chromium micro-nutrient in the body. Include green leafy vegetables and broccoli in the diet.


Magnesium improves glucose metabolism and helps stabilize insulin levels. To improve the magnesium level in the body, you should include green leafy vegetables, cashews and bananas in the diet.

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