Mental Health: Even today, mental health is not taken very seriously in our country, due to which people hesitate to talk about it openly despite facing problems like stress, and anxiety. Stress is such a problem, which can become the cause of many diseases, including problems such as sleeplessness, stomach upset, and mood irritability, so if you are also stressed about something in your personal or professional life So instead of fighting it inside, think about how you can win it. In today's article, we are going to know about some easy ways to remove stress and anxiety from experts.

1. Adopt a healthy lifestyle
Adopting a balanced lifestyle plays an important role in stress management. Dr. Sheenam Goyal, Consultant Psychiatrist, at Maharaja Agrasen Hospital, recommends incorporating exercise into your daily routine. Exercise releases endorphins, which help reduce stress and improve mood. Apart from this, take a healthy diet and enough sleep. Avoid consuming too much alcohol or caffeine.

2. Practice Mindfulness
Dr. Sheenam Goyal emphasizes the practice of mindfulness to reduce stress, which includes activities such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, or mindful walking. These help a lot in reducing stress and also keep good health.

3. Take a Break and Practice Self-Care
It is also very important to take breaks in between while working. Just a break of 10 to 15 minutes can recharge you. Chat with someone, play a favorite game, or do any of your favorite activities during breaks. This helps to a great extent in removing fatigue and stress.

4. Share Problems
If a problem is bothering you a lot, then there is no harm in sharing it with someone close to you. Many times the tension or sorrow gets reduced by sharing and its solution is also found.

5. Get expert help
If you are constantly struggling with stress or anxiety, then do not hesitate to seek expert advice. Dr. Sheenam Goyal emphasizes that it is very important to be mentally healthy as it is directly related to physical health. Most people do not take mental health seriously or do not consider it necessary to go to an expert for this which make the biggest mistake here. Experts understand the causes of stress and give the necessary advice and medicines to deal with it so that you can get out of it in a few months.
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